LOS ANGELES,CA: Japanese Broadcast filming a "Typical American Film School" class and looking for MALE & FEMALE students types who would be interested in such material and would have good questions during the lecture.
Seeking 'all american types. Diversity encouraged but with emphasis on standard Caucasian appearance for the majority of students (Japanese market where this will be played may not understand our level of diversity here per the produccer)
Must appear typical college student age between 18 and 26 years old appearance.
IF YOU KNOW OTHER MALES, we are short on MALES who are attractive and look like college student age.
Age range Caucasian 18 to 26 in appearance, 10-15% other, less asians the better... college student look.
No suits...casual college..no college emblems
Dates: Monday 3/25, Tues 3/26
Pay: $130 per day
Hours: 9 am to 7pm.
Duties: Acting as student in lecture hall. Perhaps asking questions.
Please send your response (and have male friends send their response) to info@affinityartists.com and name it "FILM STUDENT TYPE (your name/phones) along with picture/resume
Affinity Artists Agency
PHONE: 1-323-525-0577
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/company/co0085304/
IMDBPRO: http://pro.imdb.com/company/co0085304/
WEB: http://www.affinityartistsagency.com
WEB: http://www.affinitytalent.com
FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/AffinityArtistsAgency
LINKEDIN: http://www.linkedin.com/in/affinitytalent
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/affinityartists
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