763, 651, 612, 952
Seeking Male or Female Actor/Writer with a SALES PERSONALITY who wants HIGH PAID Ongoing Acting/Hosting Work
MINNEAPOLIS, MN: Seeking Male or Female Actor/Writer with a SALES PERSONALITY who wants HIGH PAID Ongoing Acting/Hosting Work in 'mock' Court.
Hello from Affinity Models & Talent Agency, We have an outrageously WELL PAID Acting/Marketing job here for an actor/actress/writer type who knows how to confidently interact with consumers in a controlled setting.
Let me explain...
Do you enjoy storytelling? Do you like to be the center of attention? Do you love communicating with a group of human beings? Do they genuinely interest you?
PRACTICALITIES: Our client is looking to create a full-time position in the Twin Cities paying a $4,00 draw each month applied to earnings. Our client expects this position will pay $80,000 – $100,000 after two years. Local office and videoconferencing facility is provided.
DUTIES: Leading of focus groups, live and videotape presentation of arguments in various lawsuits, analysis of focus group results and presenting of juror feedback, critique of lawyer performance from a STORYTELLING perspective, and marketing our client's services to lawyers and ins urance companies in the Twin Cities metro area.
PIZAZZ: Successful applicants will make a pleasant appearance, have a genuinely confident demeanor and voice, be comfortable in front of a camera, and have the ability to write and analyze complex arguments.
HELPING OUR CLIENTS MAKE BIG DECISIONS: Our client is the nattiest jury research company on the North American landmass. They are on a crusade to give people facing big decisions the best information on the planet, so that they can make extremely wise and Street-Smart choices. This is not a position for someone looking for a boring J – O – B.
THE WOW: Our client wants people of passion and total integrity to work with them. And they want everyone who touches their company -- from janitor to judge -- to walk away from encountering them saying, "Wow! I LOVE the way this company treats me." They work very hard. But they often don't notice the long hours because they enjoy studying and mixing it up with people. They want other thoroughbreds! Note: emotionally constipated donkeys need not apply.
So, here's what we need:
A writing sample of some kind from your present or past. A clear description of your education, any public speaking/acting experience/training and/or group leading and any writing experience if any.
And of course we need photos as we are a Model and Talent Agency.
Be sure to include full name, phones and age range that you appear to be (your actual age is not as important, simply the age that you appear as to most people)
Please send MORE than your hotlink/weblink. We won't forward your links
to our clients who will make the choice. You must ALSO include jpg
pictures and attachments or embedded in the email. Resume must be TEXT
ONLY and INSIDE the actual email, NOT ATTACHMENT!!!Please send jpg
pictures to info@affinitytalent.com ; and title youremail "MINNEAPOLIS ACTOR/WRITER/MARKETER" (your name)(your city/state)(your phones)
If your email bounces because your pictures are too large, just send an
email asking for our email address with same title "MINNEAPOLIS ACTOR/WRITER/MARKETER" (your name)(your city)(your phones)
pictures in any kind of ZIP, tif, bmp, pps, MSWORD format, your pictures
will not be seen.
Please indicate your distance in MILES, not MINUTES to the city youare
interested in working.You must be within 50 miles of the job!You must
tell us how old your pics are! Please be sure to include your full name,
phones, address
Ross Grossman
Affinity Artists Agency
AFFINITY MODELS BLOG: affinitymodelstalentbloggerblog.blogspot.com/
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/affinitypromo
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/company/co0085304/ IMDBPRO: http://pro.imdb.com/company/co0085304/
WEB: http://www.affinitytalent.com
Here's some of our other 'fun' links--
BOOTH STAFF: http://www.boothstaff.com/
TRADESHOW TEMPS: http://www.tradeshowtemp.com/
PROMO MODELS USA: http://www.promomodelusa.com/
PROMO MODEL USA: http://www.promomodelsusa.com/
ACTORS CAST: http://www.actorscast.com/
MODEL STAFF: http://www.modelstaff.com/
MODEL TEMP: http://www.modeltemp.com/
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